Jabali Behavioral Health Nursing Inc

Bipolar Disorder

Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner located in Elk Grove, CA

Bipolar Disorder services offered in Elk Grove, CA

The ups and downs of bipolar disorder can get in the way of your career goals, academics, and social connections. Finding relief is critical and is possible when you partner with psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner Veronica Kamau, PMHNP-BC, of Jabali Behavioral Health Nursing, Inc., in Elk Grove, California. Call today to set up a visit, or book online in just a few clicks.

Bipolar Disorder Q & A

How does bipolar disorder develop?

Bipolar disorder is a mental health disorder that affects how you think, feel, and behave. It’s characterized by intense emotional states that fluctuate over time. Your mood can shift from high to low, and these mood swings can affect everything about your everyday routines. 


Bipolar disorder has a strong genetic component; researchers believe that as many as 80%-90% of people who experience bipolar disorder have at least one relative with the condition. Brain chemical imbalance is thought to play a central role in bipolar disorder. 


The average age of symptom onset is 25. Bipolar disorder is a lifelong condition, and you can experience these mood swings only occasionally or often. 

How do I know if I have bipolar disorder?

There are several categories of bipolar disorder, classified according to whether you experience manic or depressive episodes or a combination of both. 


Some symptoms of a manic episode include:


  • Fast speech
  • Restlessness or increased activity level
  • Less need for sleep
  • Racing thoughts and jumping from one topic to the next
  • Being easily distracted


Some symptoms of a depressive episode include:


  • Fatigue or low energy
  • Inability to think or concentrate
  • Feelings of guilt or worthlessness
  • Feeling sad, empty, or hopeless
  • Thoughts of self-harm or suicide


These changes can range in severity from mild to debilitating, and you can experience different symptoms at different times. 

Can bipolar disorder be treated?

There are ways to effectively treat bipolar disorder. Drug and alcohol use is known to worsen symptoms, so finding a way to treat any addictions is an excellent place to begin, if applicable. 


Medications are a primary treatment for bipolar disorder and strive to stabilize your mood, treat depression, and manage anxiety. Expect a trial and error process before finding the right drug therapy for your brain chemistry. 


Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) can help by teaching you how to identify potentially harmful thoughts or behaviors and replace them with healthier options. Many people benefit from learning more about bipolar disorder to help them better understand their condition. Family therapy can help loved ones learn how to support you in your journey. 


The best way to begin is by scheduling a time to come in and meet the provider at Jabali Behavioral Health Nursing, Inc. Call the office at your earliest convenience, and remember that online booking is available around the clock.